28 March 2009


Action: Antitussive, Carmative, Diaphoretic, Expectorant, Stimulant & Stomachic
Taste: Hot
Parts Used: Seed

Application: Cardamon is known for its stimulating qualities and soothing effects on the gastrointestinal system. The tea is taken all over the world for flatulence, bloated stomach, sluggish digestion, irritable bowel syndrome and gastritis. Cardamom is widely used as a cough supressant, as as well to treat colds, bronchitis, asthma and laryngitis.

Preparation: Pound dried cardamon seeds. Take 2 tbsp in warm water or in herbal tea after meals. For cough, drink tea or suck whole seeds.

26 March 2009

Athlete's Foot

Itching between the toe fingers is the most common symptom of athlete’s foot. After sometimes moist and white lesions develop between the toe fingers. There may be burning sensation, blisters and inflammation. There may be pungent smell from the toe. There may be redness and scales on the toe. Moist and damp conditions are suitable for the growth of the fungus causing athlete’s foot. They mostly occur on feet because shoes and commonly visited places like swimming pool, showers, bathrooms and so on provides the suitable environment for the fungus to grow. You can get infected by sharing socks or shoes with an infected person. Sometimes you may get infected through pets because they carry the fungus on their fur.

Prepare a solution of water and white vinegar – one part of white vinegar to four part of water; soak your feet for 20 to 30 minutes twice day. Sprinkle some baking soda between your toe fingers and rinse your feet after fifteen minutes. It is as effective as an expensive antifungal powder. Rub tea tree oil between your toe fingers, it has antifungal properties. For immediate relief from itching or burning, soak your feet in an antiseptic mouthwash like Listerine. Corn starch is effective in soaking moisture, so keep your toe fingers dry by sprinkling some corn starch on them

Avoid eating baked products and products that have high yeast content in them. Avoid alcohol, sugar, cola drinks and grains. Eat a healthy and a balanced diet, avoid processed foods. Your diet must include fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. Avoid fried and greasy food. Garlic has a good antifungal property, eat raw garlic or include it in your diet.

Always keep your feet dry. Use hair dryer to dry your feet rather than towels. Use some antiperspirant to keep your toe fingers dry. Use antifungal powder rather than antifungal cream. Use cotton socks. Clean your shoes from inside using a paper or a cotton cloth. Use only natural fiber footwear. Use mild soaps and avoid deodorant soap.

11 March 2009


Rosemary 2 drops
Lavender 2 drops
Peppermint 2 drops

blend with 20 ml carrier oil for massage

Use in a massage or in a burner to relieve fatigue, after a hard day at work

05 March 2009

Health; redefined

Health is an ill-defined term. In the West, people tend to concepualise health as " black or white". You are healthy unless you have a disease. Many people even go to a doctor with some conditions that the doctor cannot succesfully diagnose as a disease, and the doctor will discharge them saying: “You are in the pink of health to me."

I feel it is more useful to look at health as a grayscale of say 1 to 100 - 1 being almost dead and 100 being incredibly healthy. In this way a person can always be motivated to get healthier. As a person progresses down the scale to ill health, that is when they start to have diseases that a doctor can identify such as heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis etc… Many of these conditions could have been prevented had the person looked at health in the way of getting healthier way before they get ill.

So that begs the question of what exactly is health?

According to Ayurveda, the oldest existing medical system in the world, health can be seen from several different layers. At the core of health is spiritual health. Spiritual health can be defined as living a life that is in harmony with your true purpose in life. It can also be defined as a life in service of someone or some cause greater than just yourself. Another aspect to spiritual health is to lead a life that does not cause harm to other living beings. This is why in Ayurveda a vegetarian diet is recommended for spiritual health even if in a few rare cases it may be better for a person’s physical health to eat meat. Spiritual health is more important than physical health, but it is also the basis of all the other forms of health such as emotional and mental health.

The next layer of health is your mental and emotional health. Dr Bach, from the UK, recognised the importance of this level of health when he introduced his 38 flower remedies to the world in the 1930’s. He believed that mental and emotional health imbalances usually lead to physical diseases and that Nature had given people remedies that could help their mental and emotional health. This is where the idea of the Bach flower remedies, such Rescue Remedy, came from.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda too, recognise the importance of this layer for optimum health. In TCM for instance someone who gets angry a lot can easily get liver problems. Too much sadness affects the heart. Herbs, acupuncture, exercises and lifestyle changes will bring a person back into balance.

The last layer of health is physical health. If a person is spiritually and emotionally healthy, then physical health is usually a lot easier to come by. This is the level where diet and exercise plays a part. There are many people who just emphasise this level of health. For example, sports enthusiasts and bodybuilders. Sometimes these people suddenly get cancer or drop from a heart attack and people wonder why. It is usually because they have been out of balance on the deeper layers of health.

So which activities can I engage in, in order to stay healthy?

On a spiritual level of health activities such as meditation and prayer help one to understand their true life purpose as well as generally get them more in touch with deeper aspects of themselves. Following practices of ahimsa, or non-violence, also enhances a person’s spiritual health. Taking a caring rather than judgmental attitude towards our fellow living entities will also enhance a person’s spiritual health.

Another aspect of spiritual health is service. It is the nature of the human being to serve someone other than themselves. Spiritual service of some sort will also be a major component in health.

On a mental and emotional level there are many practices than can be beneficial. Meditation and prayer again plays a role here, with calming the mind and getting rid of anxiety. Massage plays a big role in promoting a deep sense of relaxation and in getting rid of deep-seated stress and old emotions. Walking in a peaceful place such as a beach or in the forest allows the mind time to digest the many thoughts that overwhelm it during normal daily activities. Listening to peaceful music and having peaceful colours around will also help. As I mentioned earlier, the Bach Flower Remedies and other flower essences can play a big role in helping bring people back balance on an emotional and mental level. In Ayurveda, eating food more of a sattvic nature will help calm the mind. Sattvic foods are vegetarian and dairy foods that are fresh, preferably organically-grown, and avoid strongly stimulating herbs such as garlic , onions and chilies except in the case of a disease such as a cold or flu, where these herbs are very useful. Overuse however will cause too much rajas, or passion in the mind.

For mental and emotional health it is also important to know one's limits and not push our minds and bodies too hard for too long. Proper rest is important and not overworking or neglecting ones family relationships.

From a physical health point of view, exercise, stretching, nutrition and massage are the basis of good physical health. Obviously other activities such as not smoking, taking drugs and not having too toxic an environment are also very important.

Exercise in general stimulates blood and lymph flow that keeps the circulation going. A person should combine strength building exercises with flexibility-increasing exercises. One of the best and most ancient forms of exercise is yoga. Yoga involves stretching and opening up the body as well as stimulating blood and nerve supply throughout the body. Yoga benefits a person’s health on a physical, mental and emotional level and can be adapted to suit all ages and levels of fitness. Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese practice similar to yoga that is also very good for health.

Nutrition is one of the most important factors involved in overall health of the body. Nutrition is a vast subject and filled with many conflicting philosophies. However, in most ancient and current opinions the basis of a good diet is a balanced diet of whole foods that are organically-grown. In my view, specifics of what diet is best for you are best approached by learning your Ayurvedic prakruti (constitution), and then making your diet support and nourish your constitution. So what foods may be helpful for one person may actually aggravate another person, and that is why some people may diet for a long time but have no success.

Lastly, receiving a massage on a regular basis is one the other best things a person can do to stay healthy or to increase their level of health. Traditional Javanese massage, or other forms of deep tissue massage and or acupressure are some of the best forms of massage that get in and unblock the blockages in the flow of Qi in the body as well as get deep seated muscle tension out of the body. Many people who have held tension for years in their body can feel 20 years younger after receiving a good deep massage. Most people need quite a few massage treatments to get them to the stage where there is no tension in their body, and then will need a treatment between once a week and once a month to maintain a tension-free body. Some people in stressful jobs may benefit from more than one massage a week.

01 March 2009

Colds & Flu

People often get colds and flu during extreme cold and hot weathers. The symptoms include runny nose, cough, chesty congestion, headache, aching body and sometimes fever.

Colds are said to be "water-air" conditions, which builds up excess of cool moisture, resulting in congestion and runny nose, and at the same time it may suffer from excess "air", which reduces "gastric fire", leading to chills, loss of appetite, and/or poor digestion.

The best natural remedy for colds is ginger.

Combine the following:

Ginger 1 part
Cinnamon 1 part
Lemongrass 2 parts

Steep 1 teaspoon of this remedy for about 10 minutes in 1 cup of hot water, strain and add honey for sweetness if preferred. This simple herbal tea will help with cold, congestion and flu.